I was thinking about the video we watched in class the other day by Macklemore and it really made me think about my own experiences with this topic. I touched on it a little in my autobiography but fashion really does have a huge impact not just in school but in society as a whole and when you really think about it, they are just clothes and shoes. I mean, what is the purpose of clothes and shoes in the first place? To keep up warm and feet protected? Unfortunately I do not see us as a whole abandoning these ways and fashion will always be a big priority. Even with songs like "Thrift Shop" where famous stars say its ok to shop at Goodwill and other second hand stores and the increase in "hipster" living, the same stars still have high end taste. Macklemore is a great example of this because even though he sings about wanting to take his Nike shoes off because he doesn't want them to consume him and create his identity, in real life he is a huge sneakerhead meaning he loves to have the new Air Jordans and other high priced shoes.
I am guilty of falling into a sneakerhead category and do have shoes I have not worn or tried on but I feel I have other motives. When I was in school I wasn't able to have nice things and I had to sit back with my brothers and watch more fortunate families provide for their kids with the best everything while we had to make due with whatever we could afford. I think that has made me appreciate things so much more and while I may have a lot of shoes, most wouldn't know that I have almost every pair of shoes I have ever owned. I try and take care of my stuff so it will last. I have saved my money and bargained and searched for the good deals to get what I wanted and that includes shopping at thrift shops too, but that's not to say I have spent a pretty penny on something that caught my eye. Either way, I think as long as you are smart with your money, have your own sense of identity and aren't letting society and companies cloud your judgement by telling you what is "popular" or "in" then its ok to have nice things and reward yourself every once in a while. Just be conscious of your decisions and never resort to violence. It is sad to see and hear violence happen over something silly like shoes. Just a few of my thoughts on the topic, here's a link I remember seeing a while back and although sad, its true.